Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Week 7- Think Like a Designer

In chapter 5 of Knaflic's book, it is discussed how we should think like designers when we make our infographics. In this chapter, she highlights three main points in terms of what we should be thinking about when we create our infographics. The first point she discusses is the importance of affordances, which are defined by her as the inherent qualities in an object that make it obvious how to use. If the viewer if an infographic does not understand how to analyze or comprehend the infographic, it defeats the purpose of the design. The second point Knaflic emphasizes is accessibility. In order for our infographics to be effective, they must be accessible to everyone. This also means simplifying presented information and utilizing text. The third point discussed by Knaflic is aesthetics. Infographics often times need to be aesthetic and grab the eye of the viewer in order for the creator to get their point across.

In the WSJ article posted, I was intrigued by the interactivity of the infographic. I was mind-blown of the new speeds that 5G data brings, and the WSJ writer did a fantastic job illustrating this to me, the reader.
In viewing this infographic, I was allowed to click a button and watch in real-time how fast 5G is compared to both 4G and 3G. This infographic was accessible to me, and it was easy to understand the data presented. Aesthetically, the infographic at hand caught my eye and had a unique design representing a character in the 'Bird Box' film.

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