Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week 2- Career Plan Infographic

In my Canva Infographic, I decided to choose a template that would help me set out my 5 year plan. It was a very simple way to allow me to visualize the goals that I have set out for my career. The goals I have set for myself are clearly subject to change, but it was a good start for me in terms of visualization.

In choosing a template, I had a lot of options. I chose this template because it was rather simple, and the color scheme provided a unique way to attract attention. I really liked how Canva gave you the opportunity to further customize your infographic, with the ability to change the size, color, and font of anything in the design.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Week 1-Sample Post

Hi, my name is James Wright and I'm a junior here at Benedictine. Looking forward to blogging and learning more about this class.